Broad beam / Superficial PRK Laser Operation:お知らせ

(旧 参宮橋アイクリニック)

ご予約受付時間:月~土 9:30~11:30 / 13:30~17:30
English アクセス 無料カウンセリング


Broad beam / Superficial PRK Laser Operation

カテゴリー: English — 奥ノ山医院

Please view a video of  operation on the right side.

The operation includes 3 steps. Note: The Video shows Step 2 and 3.

Step 1. Apply the ring to fix the eye movement.
Step 2. The photochemical vaporization, laser procedure starts under the observation of my college and I. We monitor the depth of the vaporization throughout the procedure as every eye is unique.
Step 3. Remove the ring and apply eye drops  which includes MMC and a protective contact lens which will stay in place for a week.

Video 1: Broad Beam laser (superficial PRK) Shows an actual procedure

Reasons for development

I created the Broad Beam / Superficial PRK operation out of concern for my patients. I wanted a simple procedure which will give my patents a better quality of life.
This is a Russian Broad Beam Laser not an American laser with its inherent central Island problems.
All Lasik Doctors know the inherent risks of Lasik.
As you can see in the video the Broad Beam Laser is a solid laser and not a scanning  laser.
It photo chemically vaporizes gradually and smoothly creating a refractive surface which no other operation in the world can provide at this point in time.
Each ring has a slightly different amount of energy distribution which is customized for different eye profiles.

Please consider your patients and their vision 20 plus years from now.

Dr. Kodo Okuyama.
My name is Dr. Kodo Okuyama.  You can find more information at
I was operated on by Prof. Fyodrov  using RK (Radial Keratotomy) 27 years ago.
The early form of RK was a one step incision (single depth incision) which I now realize helped to create a multi focal refractive surface for me.
The later RK operations included two or three step incisions of various depths which were more effective however the results had a tendency to be mono-focal.
I am now 63 years old and still have wonderful vision. I was inspired by Prof. Fyodrov’s dream to provide and develop an operation which will have very few side effects, this lead me to develop Flapless Lasik ( Superficial PRK / Broad Beam Laser plus MMC, anti haze agent ).
I am very happy with the results, minimal risk and the multifocal quality of my operation.
Below are pictures of my left and right Keratotopograms
Please consider your patients and their vision 20 plus years from now.

Picture E: Keratotopogram   My Right Eye, Post RK 27 y.a.

Picture F: Keratotopogram   My Left Eye, Post RK 27 y.a.


〒154-0002 東京都世田谷区下馬2-21-26
東急田園都市線 三軒茶屋駅(南口出口 徒歩約7分)
東急世田谷線 三軒茶屋駅(徒歩約9分)
