日本レーザー学会 エキシマレーザーの蒸散作用による近視手術:お知らせ

(旧 参宮橋アイクリニック)

ご予約受付時間:月~土 9:30~11:30 / 13:30~17:30
English アクセス 無料カウンセリング


日本レーザー学会 エキシマレーザーの蒸散作用による近視手術

カテゴリー: 学会 — admin

1997年11月 日本レーザー学会発表

奥山 公道                     S・フィヨドロフ
参宮橋アイクリニック           モスクワ顕微手術眼科研究所
Excimer laser ablation in Refractive Surgery of myopic eye.

Abstract         I

Excimer Laser Ablatiorn used in Refractive Corneal Surgery, named Photo Refractive Keratectomy(PRK). PRK is an eye operation that reshapes or flattens the cornea, which changes the focus point and will decrease myopia. Since 1993, I have operated on more than 1600 eyes with myopia of 1-25D. 65% have been male and 35% have been female.
I used Lambda Phisics LPX301 Excimer Laser, with Fyodorov delivery gas cell system. Under the following conditions; energy density 175-250mj/cm2, 10Hz/sec frequency number of pulses needed 400-800 pulses working diameter 6. 3mm. With myopia from 1-12D, one PRK operation gives a good result. With a myopia of 12D or more it may be necessary to have two PRK operations, with an interval of not less ttlan 6 months. My PRK hit rate for
士0.5D is 86.5%. The other l3.5% has a hit rate of 士2.0D, due to varying degrees of subepitelial hyperplasia-corneal haze.
Corneal haze is temporary and subsides over a period of time. Even with a high degree of corneal haze, the patient can be reoperated on using PTK(Photo Therapecitic Keratectomy). However, at this moment prevention of haze is a major stepping stone.

エキシマレーザーによる角膜屈折矯正手術(Photorefractive Keratectomy、以下PRKと略す)の臨床を中心に報告する.


〒154-0002 東京都世田谷区下馬2-21-26
東急田園都市線 三軒茶屋駅(南口出口 徒歩約7分)
東急世田谷線 三軒茶屋駅(徒歩約9分)
